Friday, July 3, 2020

June 24, 2019

Is this the same land where at a point of time a political leader like Ganeshman Singh, a man of iron, an example of selflessness, and Siddhicharan Shrestha, a revolutionary-romanticist poet, were also present? Did they suffer in their lives to use kathmandu for 'nepal' in sectarian sense? It does not seem to be so. Due to the diversity of the population here, linguistic communities would be better to arrange an interpreter or translator while doing their programs. Not only law, the government is also made up of parliament. This issue was different that due to communal sentiments some MPs of the ruling political party in connection with the guthi-bill have stood in opposition to the government but in general when there is a majority government of a political party it is tragic if pedantic-amusements by bringing things such as "government makes no law, parliament does" to deny the sentences like "government could not change old law" are emphasized. Politics or political science is not a rhetoric or literary genre where opinions like "art for art's sake" also are in vogue. Dispute-for-dispute is not a good thing. Such things shadow more important things such as Defense Minister Ishwar Pokhrel knows who is the army officer who killed Nirmala Panta, discussions on the relevancy of the proposed army bill, the secret of obstruction of the service flow of nepal telecom whenever things related to Ajeya Sumargi's assets come to light and so on.
June 24, 2019

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